Rare Badge Collection Pages
Collection Page slots allow you to store and manage additional pages on your account separate from the upgraded pages included with your plan.
If your account is on the Personal Plan or higher your collection pages will be able to add an animated profile picture and apply for the Rare Verified Badge. The analytics available for your collection pages will also match the level of your plan.
Adding pages to your collection is useful for pages that do not require most of the upgraded features of your plan, including for pages intended to collect usernames. Upgraded features not available on collection pages are hidden from the page editor.
Unlocking Collection Pages
This unique feature is hidden by default and requires having the Rare Verified Badge on your currently active page in order to unlock. When you meet this criteria, visit the Account page and 10 complimentary collection page slots will instantly become available to you.
Moving Pages Between Plan and Collection
If you have available page slots, you can easily move pages from your collection onto your plan to re-activate the upgraded features by clicking the star next to the page you would like to move.
The same process also works in reverse to move the pages back to your collection slots.
Transferring Pages
If you currently have pages and usernames across several different accounts, you can use solo.to/transfer to generate transfer codes and use them to move pages onto your main account into your collection.
Transfer codes can also be given to another person to send them the page and username, but please note this is a permanent process so only share a code with someone when you no longer need access to the page.
Pages transferred and added to an account will first use any remaining page slots you have from your plan level before being added into your collection page slots.
Purchasing Additional Slots
You can purchase up to 40 additional page slots (for a maximum of 50 slots) by visiting the Account page and clicking the Add Slots button. Page slots are $1 per page (one-time payment) and are available in 5 slot increments.
Accepted payment methods to purchase additional slots include card, Cash App, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or crypto.