Adding a Facebook/Meta Pixel

What is a Facebook/Meta Pixel?

The Facebook/Meta Pixel is marketing analytics tool you can use to measure page views, link clicks, and email captures that occur on your page. You can use these events to retarget visitors with ads based on their actions. An example of this could be to retarget users that click on your Spotify link with an ad that directs them to your Spotify artist profile.

You can learn more about what a Facebook/Meta Pixel is and how to use here.

Creating a Facebook/Meta Pixel

Check out Facebook's guide to creating and using your Facebook/Meta Pixel here.

Adding a Facebook Pixel to your page

In the Integrations section on Page Editor switch the Facebook/Meta Pixel on, then copy the Facebook/Meta Pixel ID from your Facebook/Meta Business Manager dashboard and paste it into the field that appeared. Save the change to publish it to your page.

Although the Facebook/Meta Pixel is invisible, you will see the PageView, LinkClick (includes social buttons), EmailCapture, and Contact (for contact buttons) actions logged in your dashboard on Facebook/Meta when people interact with your page.

This feature is available for the Professional Plan.