Why does my email capture give an error message?

For Mailchimp if your email capture is giving an error message when testing it from your page, you may need to resolve it before your visitors can subscribe to your email list. The common errors can be matched below for more detailed information.

Error: reCAPTCHA must be disabled

If reCAPTCHA is enabled on for your audience in Mailchimp your form won't be able to submit from your page. To fix this issue follow the steps outlined here to disable reCAPTCHA.

Your solo.to page protects the email capture with a different form of spambot protection rather than using reCAPTCHA.

Error: non-email field set to required

Since our email capture integration only supports submitting an email address, other fields such as name can't be set as required or else it will give this error message.

To fix this issue open the Settings tab and go to the Audience fields and *|MERGE|* tags page (see image below). From this page you can turn any required fields to optional (except for email address) and save.

Error: invalid integration setup

This indicates that either the URL for the integration is incorrect and needs to be double-checked, or the submission request was blocked for another reason.

If the URL appears to be correct and this error still occurs, make sure you aren't using the browser in private (or incognito) mode as that could potentially block the request.

If any error persists after troubleshooting, reach out to support and we can look into it further for you.