Customizing Your Page

Profile Picture & Background

You can change your profile picture and background color or image by following the steps below.


  1. Click on your current profile picture, or the placeholder for it as displayed above.
  2. Select the image you want to use from the file browser.
  3. Resize and crop your picture using the pop-up window before clicking Done.

Animated GIFs are also supported for profile pictures on the Personal Plan and above. To avoid distortion you should make sure your GIF is cropped to a square before uploading, you can do this at

You can also remove or change the shape of your profile picture from the Appearance section in the Page Editor.

Background Color

  1. Click on the background color block to open the color selector.
  2. Use the color picker, select one of the preset colors, or paste in your own hex code. You can find custom hex colors here.

Background Image*

  1. Click on the background block with Background Image toggled on to open the file browser.
  2. Select the image you want to use.

Note: Background images must be at least 1200px wide and under 10MB in to use for the background.

* Available in Personal Plan and above

Background Video*

  1. Click on the background block with Background Video toggled on to open the file browser.
  2. Select the video you want to use.

Note: Background videos must be at under 30 seconds and under 20MB to use for the background. The supported file types are .mp4, .mov, and .webm.

Note: Background videos are visual only, they do not play audio.

* Available in Entrepreneur Plan and above

Profile Information

To change the profile information displayed on your page fill out the fields shown below.

Appearance Settings

Under the appearance section you can toggle on/off some additional options including:

  • Accent Color - changes the color used for different page elements
  • Font - changes the font for your page
  • Theme - changes the theme for your page
  • Link Thumbnails - adjust the shape for link thumbnails to square or round
  • Favicon* - the icon browsers will use for your page
  • Branding* - removes footer from your page when turned off

* Available on the Professional Plan

Previewing Your Page

You can switch between the page editor and preview to see the changes made on your page before saving.

Note: Make sure to click the blue Save buttons after any changes are made to finalize and publish them to your page.